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Those who’ve had the experience of getting lost in a corn maze know the particular kind of struggle that comes with choosing whether to stick to the rules and the path or to cheat by forging a new route through the stalks, in hopes of finding a clearing. Under the glow of this Pisces moon, games of all kinds come to a point of decision.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). There have been times when it was hard for you to imagine being free, self-reliant and in control of your own financial and emotional destiny. Today’s developments are a dream come true.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Not all feelings are messages from the depths. Some are just momentary choices based on comfort zones. A feeling can also be a distraction from another, less-appealing, more uncertain feeling.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re in the mood to take yourself less seriously and, as a result, your work improves. Perhaps, it’s because there’s more room to incorporate other opinions when you’re not so intent on proving yourself.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). “What is happiness? It’s a moment before you need more happiness,” quipped Don Draper, the central figure of the television drama “Mad Men.” To avoid the infinite loop here, strive instead to be of service.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The presence of another will be keenly felt, and you will be made aware of the potential for trouble and delight ahead, as it is obvious that in some ways you mesh and in other ways you collide.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’re likely to pour over every detail. The perfectionism that has you moving incredibly slowly now will also be the reason that you’re so excellent at the task.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You are very aware of what you don’t know and only get more aware of it as you go. This is proof that you are amassing a great body of learning indeed, as every new idea opens up 10 more questions.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Consider making a vision board. The surface verisimilitude of an image makes you feel as though you are within touching distance of your desire. Your brain gets used to this, bridges a gap, shortens the leap to reality.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). It seems counterintuitive that a lighter approach to a relationship would intensify the bond, and yet your jovial attitude will produce an impressive depth of connection.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). All of the little things matter. All of the little things don’t matter. Both statements will be equally true today, and the best results will come from alternating between the two extremes.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Today, there will be no good reason to impress or advise, entertain or manage. You only need to be present. Humility is the key that opens wisdom’s gate.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). When you find yourself making great efforts to project and protect a certain idea of who you are, then it’s time for a talk with yourself. Why does it matter so much? Losing sight of who you are might be just the remedy.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. 3). Whatever uncertainty you feared, now you’ll embrace it — crave it even — because you recognize that the only way to grow is to enter the realm of unpredictable outcomes. The unknown factors include (but are not limited to) relationships with exciting people, esoteric knowledge and a novel investment. Gemini and Sagittarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 16, 13, 2, 28 and 5.

ASTROLOGICAL QUESTION: “Holiday, this is a test. Are mermaids good or evil?”

Insomuch as they exist within a realm of free will, mermaids, mermen, merpeople, and all merkind are similar to humans in that they can do good or do evil and will, in any given moment, choose the route that is most familiar or beneficial to them.

Most of the early legends of human/fish-fusion types paint the sea creatures as murderous. They called sailors to their deaths, whipped up disastrous storms and generally wreaked havoc. The 19th-century “Little Mermaid” of Hans Christian Andersen’s tale was tasked with cutting out her prince’s heart with a dagger, a job she ultimately, selflessly, avoided by forfeiting her own sentient life to become sea foam. One vote for “good.”

But if merpeople, like human people, didn’t create themselves (or don’t remember doing so) then why should it matter how much good or evil they are born with?

In all of your encounters with merpeople, I advise learning as much as you can about their behavior and whatever particular strengths and stresses are at play so that you may better predict likely outcomes. I believe you will have much more fun with merpeople when you stop judging them and stay open to experiencing them.

Of course, I could be wrong. They might also eat you. That’s not very fun.

Did I pass?

CELEBRITY PROFILES: The rapper, singer, composer, DJ, dancer and record producer known as Redfoo wasn’t always the “Party Rock” king. Before the advent of LMFAO, Stefan Kendal Gordy was a day trader. The Virgo has applied his keen business acumen to multiple ventures related to his brand including a clothing line. Moon and Venus in Leo suggest that entertainment is part of Gordy’s cosmic destiny.

Write Holiday Mathis at


Last Updated: Wednesday, Aug 05, 2020 20:53:50 -0700